TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Picture request: 17" wheels and 17" + 18" combos
People Seeking Info

Subject Picture request: 17" wheels and 17" + 18" combos
Posted by Lev on September 12, 2009 at 9:05 AM
  This message has been viewed 432 times.
Message Hey guys,

Can you please post pictures of Z32's with 17" wheels and/or with 17" in the front and 18" in the rear.

I would especially be greateful for pictures with Nismo LM GT4's, Volk TE37's and Volk CE28N's but other wheels would be fine too.

I will probably be a 300ZX TT owner within a few days and I'm debating to go with 17" wheels all around or with 17" in the front and 18" in the rear.

Thnx in advance,


GSM Kado Wijzer

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